Tuesday, July 29, 2008

SoCal Earthquake

Today we had about a 5.7 Earthquake at about 11:42am. It was a pretty big shaker. The biggest one I can remember since the Northridge Earthquake. Sharayah was 4 and Joshua was a newborn. Tom was out of state. So, Sharayah remembers me getting her and joshua out of bed at about 4am. Josh in his car seat and dragging pillows and blankets under the dining room table. But, my youngest is 9 and doesn't remember being in an Earthquake. So, he jumped off the chair with wide eyes as the jolts started shaking the house...then ran out of the front door with his arms in the air...yelling..."EARTHQUAKE--EARTHQUAKE"... He acted like someone in shock. I was laughing and trying to sooth him at the same time. The kids sorta ran in circles wondering what to do. I thought about all of the safety drills that we go thru with schools and public places and when something actually happens...we resort to pandemonium. Forget lining up orderly...everyone starts running and acting disoriented. :-) I think I need to seriously work on my earthquake safety supplies....just in case.
**This was on AOL news, showing the quake during the filming of Judge Judy's show...

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