Monday, June 14, 2010

Flowering Tea Pot Gift

Thank you to Sis. Glenda & Sis. Patsy for giving me such a darling gift. They brought it to me Sunday at church and said it was a "just because" gift. They are loving and supportive ladies. I really appreciate them and their thoughtfulness. Sis. Glenda brought it back from her New Orleans trip. What fun to watch the tea flowering. I hope I did it right. :-)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Senior Bash...honoring our grads

We had a small group this year-5. And all girls. For the first time in 18 years. We had a full house and set up an extra table for more guests that came. We hold it at the Orange Hills Mining Co. overlooking the city.

Speaker Bro. Corey

College & Career welcoming them in.....

June 4th is Mom's Birthday

We had a nice time celebrating mom's birthday at the Cheesecake Factory. Lot's of conversation and family time. :-)