Friday, August 22, 2008

It's Back to School Time

I took the boys out yesterday to get their school supplies. We had a fun day and went to lunch at their favorite place. Lots of laughing and conversation. I love my boys. I have 2 little comedians in the house. Today my little guy (9yrs) has first day orientation to get the kids used to their new schedule. He has been moved to a new GATE School...for the gifted and talented. He has been in elementary where the 2 older kids graduated from and I like that school its only a few blocks from my house. I can get there quickly... The school district strongly urged us to allow him to attend the Gate school.... that will focus on advanced education. I'm just not looking for more work or stress. lol His state test scores were very high. He's always been advanced in his Math. They had to take him out of his classes with a tutor to keep him interested up until now. Or he would answer all the questions quickly and get bored and zone out. So, hopefully this new year will be a challange for him in a good way and not a headache for they require 3 hours of homework per night. Ugggggg Plus the boys music lessons and whatever sport their involved with...I'm back to mom the taxi driver. :-)

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