Monday, August 4, 2008

We Must Praise

This is the song on my heart this morning. Dad raised us with the understanding that everything we did...whether it be work, school, talents and abilities...we did it as worship unto the Lord...because the Lord gave us the breath and strength and ability to do those things. So, I'm giving worship to the Lord this morning and thanks for all that he has done. We had an awesome 3 day revival. Many guests and several baptisms(I don't have an exact number) and many people were touched in our Hope and Healing service on Sunday night. Evg. Chris Smothers was our guest speaker. He preached Sunday morning as an evangelist. Then he received a call in the afternoon that he was voted in as Pastor of a church in the Detroit area. So he preached as a Pastor Sunday evening. :-) Our men all gathered around him at the end of the service to pray for him and his new role as Pastor. I'm spiritually full today and thankful for God's riches blessings.

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