Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Drink to your health.....

I'm sitting here drinking my Green Smoothie for breakfast. (notice the computer pix above.lol) I put lots of spinach, some kale, carrots, organic coconut, green apple, red apple, and a frozen banana, flax seed and a little stevia. I tried to be simple to not have a yucky taste like the last time when I put a whole stock of LEEKS! That was hard to drink. No fruit to balance the acid taste. This one today is not too bad. My husband likes it...he likes anything that is healthy. The boys weren't so thrilled. Hopefully I can get them used to it. I'm glad I discovered that it is legal to add fruit to the green. HA I'm getting better at it or more accustomed to the taste. The thing that excites me about it-is that it is an anti-cancer fighting machine. If your body is acidic you will become deceased. But, if it is alkaline...that is the optimum for your health. Vegetables will make your body alkaline. I have these little testing strips the doctor gave me. And so far I'm "okay" but not in the "great" zone. I'm aiming for the best! Well, as you can see I have my Ipod on and my cap so I need to head out the door for my walk. Talk to you all later.

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