Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Party

Last night we had the Care Pastor's, Trustees and Administrative Staff at our house for a Christmas gathering. We had a great time. I cooked a southern meal and they all seem to enjoy it. Exchanged gifts and just had fun visiting with each other. Today we have a leadership dinner after service for about 60 of the church leaders in varous departments. Christmas is such a warm time. I'm looking foward to Sharayah coming home this week. She'll be home for a month! Missin' my baby girl.


The Cook's said...

I love your blog... stumbled upon it through a friend's blog... thanks to you, our family is now doing green smoothies... love it! I grew up in Leesville, LA and Curtis Spears is dear to our heart! Also, remember when your husband was at DeRidder a gazillion years ago... it's a small world... glad to have found your blog!

Σαρα~Sara said...

Great. Green Smoothies are the best. If you don't do anything else for yourself each day. Have a Green Smoothie. I haven't got sick or caught a cold since I started!