Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Renew & Recovery Time

Dr. Hart(:-) says you need recovery time in the midst of a workaholic society.... life's stress, raising a family.....these are especially stressful times with the world economy & high pace lifestyle. Technology has added stress-instead of it easing our stress & make our work easier. Sometimes it takes much more time than it saves. Those fast self serve check-out lanes are still intimidating to me. I prefer a smiling face there to chat to. It's also taken away many folks jobs or shipped them overseas.... that once personal touch that companies had is all but gone and interaction with a real person hard to find. Social networks replaced family & friend Time.....setting us up for shallow-fake virtual friendships in our own dark room with a bag of chips & all rules out the window for propriety and politeness and proper language and kind consideration.

It seems this new way of life is a swirl of anxiety & rushed days. Everyone expects to have access to you all the time. An overload of personal where you are every second of the day. Oh, Joy--I'm at the grocery store. Everyone has their head in their own laptop, tv, cell phone or Ipod...avoiding real interaction-conversation or having time for learning a challanging new hobby. I have attempted to unplug as much as possible from the mayhem on the net and engage in real time activities. I miss the days pre-cell phone where you had think time and time to read with out constant beeps of text, tweets, status's, junk email, frivolous calls, sales & surveys.

I've been in Florida at my sisters house enjoying a change of pace & having time with my big sister. Wish I had time to visit all of my sisters in their various states. :-) I don't take enough time off to be with my family and I have sure been busy raising a young family the last 20 years. I feel myself coming into a new season where I will transition and have a different focus. My kids are all Teenagers and above. Need to have time to smell the roses and enjoy new sights and sounds.

Florida has been perfect. Mild temps. I hear Cali is still mucho hot-- in the high 90's. Shew!... it's almost Thanksgiving....ready for the cool air and a fire in the fire place. We are no longer familiar with SILENCE. That is the missing link to peacefulness, deep wisdom & thoughts, and truly knowing yourself. If you cannot be still & cannot be deeply connected to God. All other noise & distractions are keeping us busy with much that is not important and a part of our NOW! This moment is to be enjoyed.....and best if UNPLUGGED.

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