Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Nice surprise!

My husband surprised me tonight with a beautiful camel color Coach Purse. He was on a little trip to spend time with Sharayah because she will be leaving for school Monday. And, they had some father/daughter time together. He bought her some beautiful things, he let her pick out a purse from one of her favorite designers and clothes...(every girly girl loves purses and clothes.)lol....including a Movado watch as a keepsake of our love and support for her to suceed in her future. After she had already shown me her gifts from her dad....She kept smiling at me like she had something up her sleeve. Then dad brought out my package as a thank-you gift for supporting him as he studied for his masters the last several years. She was pleased that he picked it out and it was his idea to do it..although he is not comfortable shopping in womens stores. lol Thank God he's finally done. :-)

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