Monday, January 5, 2009

This Blog.....

Hello my dear family and friends...hope your New Year is splendid so far. I had contemplated deleting my blog as I seem to go for a week or more and not write on here. Maybe it is just the holiday season that has distracted me. Today, I heard from family and friends wondering what happened...that they were trying to get thru and were disappointed that I was going to take it down. So, I will see how I do for the next little while. :-)

Our Congregation is on a 21 day Daniel Fast Journey together. I will pass on great Daniel Fast blogs and websites that can assist you on this united effort to honor God with your favorite things...usually has to do with food, time, entertainment.....etc... Our church began yesterday January 4th. I began Jan 1--so today is day 5 for me. Below are some links that I hope help you find a recipe or encouragement.

Blog --

Daniel Fast Diet

Website--Eugenia~ forwarded this one...

Daniel Fast Recipes from the Caring Carrot Cook Book

**If you have any questions please ask....we will look for an answer...

The things to avoid are:

Meat, tea, coffee, sugar, refined grains, fried foods, or dairy products.

Meat, because Daniel didn't want to take the chance of eating non-kosher meat and/or meat that was offered to idols.
white flour and all products using it
white rice, white bread, hominy and pasta
fried foods
carbonated beverages, including diet sodas
Wine or any other alcoholic drinks
foods containing preservatives or additives
refined sugar
high fructose corn syrup
chemical sugar substitutes
margarine, shortening, animal fat, high fat products

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